Happy Holidays!
May your celebrations and gatherings bring you joy.
May you stay in your body so you can be grounded and calm.
And may you move from a center of strength.
Do you feel yourself reeling with the business of shopping, cooking and getting ready? (it’s so easy to do)
One way to get yourself back on track is to lie down on the floor and do a body scan.
My students report that in a minute of getting down on the floor that their stress melts away. The more times you practice it the quicker the results.

This is what we do at the very beginning of every Awareness Through Movement class.
BTW – Registration is open for the winter series.
On the floor (or your bed). (legs long or bent feet w/ on the floor)
Do it slowly!
- Lie on your back and notice, sense the parts of your body that contact the floor.
- Start at your right heel and come up the leg. Do the same with the left leg.
- Notice the contact of your pelvis
- Start at your tailbone and in your sensing come up your spine all the way to your head. What parts of your spine touch the floor and what doesn’t?
No judging let be what is.
- Notice the contact of your shoulders
- and then your head.
When you’re done slowly roll to your side and come up to stand. Sense yourself in upright. Be in your body.
You can’t help but feel better from doing this.
I’m going to lie on the floor right now!!!
Peace to you and yours.
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